Sharon's Story

The owner and CEO of Heart of Health is Sharon Young. In 2003 while working as a head nurse for an orthopedic surgeon, Sharon was diagnosed for the 1st time with SLE Lupus. A Rheumatologist told her she wouldn't get any better, she was only going to get worse. He offered to put her on either steroids, chemo drugs, or an anti-malarial drug. After being on the anti-malarial drug for about a month, she was having negative side effects from the medication. She chose to go off the drug and stop seeing that physician who gave her no hope. After much prayer and lifestyle changes, Sharon started getting better and it seemed she was perhaps misdiagnosed.

By 2014, Sharon had earned her Master's in Nursing Education and was caregiver for her parents for several years (losing them in 2012). She began having symptoms unrelated to any she had previously had and after testing, she was diagnosed once again with SLE Lupus and then Hashimoto's. The stress and poor lifestyle choices had taken their toll once again. Two years and five doctors later, they found out she was also insulin resistant and had Metabolic Syndrome. She gained weight and couldn't get it off no matter what she did. Thus began Sharon's journey to find out what she could do to get her health back. She credits the Lord for giving her direction to make right choices.

By 2024, Sharon's labs came back negative of SLE Lupus, Achimota's, Metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance! She now weighs 75lbs less. Born in 1949, at 75 years of age, it was none too soon. Because of her health journey she wanted others to get back their quality of life. Sharon is not against western medicine, but she believes strongly in a means of trying natural medicine first. During her illness she had become a hospice nurse. Her 11 years as a hospice nurse helped her see the negative impact pharmaceutical drugs were having on patients. When taken off their medications, some of those patients came out of that immanent stage of dying and even went on to live added years. Sometimes medications can mimic dementia like Altheimer's. Pharmeceutical drugs have their place but should be taken on an acute basis, not for chronic illness. Sharon always encourages her patients to have their physician double check the medications they are on and make sure none of them are contraindicated. She is passionate about helping others achieve their highest level of wellness possible.

Sharon openend the Heart of Health Wellness Center with the same modalities that helped her achieve better health then went on to get certified in coaching. Now, she conducts online and face-to-face coaching with her clients. This website is designed to give others the opportunity to use resources she used to implement on her journey to better health, but if someone finds it difficult to stay motivated and needs that extra support, Sharon and the Heart of Health Center is here to coach you on your journey. Sharon is compassionate yet knows the importance of:

  • Allowing you to be 100% authentic and fully YOU.
  • Holding you accountable to act from your highest self, even when you may not feel that way.
  • Always having integrity and honesty.
  • Holding high standards for you and for herself and handling any situation that crosses the line, helping you to resolve and move beyond anything you may be putting up with that is not aligned with your brilliance!
  • Being kind and patient with your progress so you know you always have a safe place to express where you are.
  • Sharing creative action steps ideas and inspiration without the need to have you like them (If you don't like an idea or action step that we create, no problem! We can create another one, or you will be inspired to create your own.)
  • Laser-focused coaching you to find solutions to challenges that may come up.
  • Coaching you to your highest self and to achieve your highest potential.
  • knowing that there are unlimited possibilities available to you no matter what any situation looks like.
  • Caring deeply about you and your success.

Me at the beginning of my health journey.

Me after healing & -40lbs

Meet Our Esthetician


This is where we will place Meghan's bio and credentials.

Meghan esthetician heart of health wellness center seymour missouri
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